
An Educational Gap in Mental Health Care

Today, people who have lost the will to live and those who love them are in danger of falling through a gap in the mental health care system that doesn’t have to be there. The Economist, The New York Times, and The Washington Post have published articles this year about the continuing rise in the number of deaths by suicide....[ read more ]

Small But Impactful Ways to Nurture Your Creativity Every Day

One of the biggest barriers to creativity is lack of time. You’re busy. Your days are demanding. You have a long list of tasks from last week that you’ve yet to tackle. But is it really a tangible, true-blue lack of time, or more of a belief or feeling that time is scarce or non-existent? “If there is something you...[ read more ]

Why Hyper Parenting is Harming Children

A 30-year-old woman is sitting in her therapist’s office, talking about her inability to manage life. She is disorganized, has poor time management skills, cannot make decisions, is easily overwhelmed, has no direction in her life and is filled with anxiety. A young adult woman just graduated from university and gets her first job. She comes down with a stomach...[ read more ]

Finding Resilience in the Midst of Challenges

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” – David Brinkley One thing is certain, and that is that each day presents new challenges. It isn’t the fact that challenges occur that is most important, however, but how well an individual is able to adapt and bounce back from...[ read more ]

Do You Have Everything?

There is a phenomenon that happens when someone experiences doubt. I used to see it all the time when people would drop off their children at school. As the parent is pulling away and feeling the pressure of the building carline behind them, they suddenly experience a pang of doubt that something has been forgotten and they transfer that doubt...[ read more ]

Talking to Children about COVID-19: Reducing Hysteria During a Global Emergency

“Wash your hands!” My kids hear me say this all the time, but this week these three words have taken on a new meaning. Now washing your hands represents an important protective behavior against the coronavirus pandemic. After getting home from school yesterday, I reminded my children, as per usual, to wash their hands, but this time I stressed,  “for...[ read more ]

Podcast: I Fear My Spouse Will Abandon Me

  Do you struggle with abandonment fears? Do you worry your partner will suddenly ditch you even though there’s no real reason to feel this way? In today’s Not Crazy podcast, Gabe opens up about his own deep-rooted fear that his wife will decide she doesn’t want him anymore. After all, he concludes, what does he have to offer her?...[ read more ]

Is Self-Quarantining an Act of Love or Fear?

As a follow-up to the previously published article entitled We’re All In This Together: Facing the Coronavirus Crisis, I am offering additional ideas that have emerged since I wrote the original piece. I have chosen to remain at home, not because I am symptomatic, although I am in a medical and chronological high risk group, as a 61-year-old with asthma...[ read more ]

Childhood Emotional Neglect and the Coronavirus

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) impacts individuals in a wide variety of ways. But in this unprecedented time of social distancing, working remotely, and even quarantine, CEN can exacerbate the responses that so many of us already experience in “normal” times. It’s important for those of us who are having feelings that are more heightened than usual, or which seem disproportionate...[ read more ]

Coping with an Eating Disorder During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Eating disorders build themselves on perceived feelings of control. Yet, as we find ourselves in the midst of unprecedented and uncertain times, with the coronavirus pandemic, how do those with eating disorders manage? As an individual with an eating disorder, I struggle with the Christmas season, mostly as my ‘safe’ foods are suddenly superseded with aisles of turkeys and potatoes...[ read more ]

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