
Individual Psychotherapy 

Psychotherapy session of 50-minutes, £175

90 minute session or initial consultation, £300

Block of 6 sessions of 50 minutes, £875 (one session at no cost)

Couples Therapy 

1 hour and 15 minutes session, £275

Block of 6 couples therapy sessions, £1375 (one session at no cost)


90-minute session, £300 

Block of 6 sessions of 90 minutes (the first 1-2 sessions include history taking and planning), £1500 (one session at no cost)

* 6-12 are typically required for significant improvement; however additional sessions may be necessary for complex PTSD and depending on the complexity of each individual case.


Supervision for Psychotherapists (I offer a twice monthly supervision group)

120-minute session, £85

Please email or message Comfort to enquire about her twice monthly online group supervision sessions on Thursday evenings.


** Blocks of sessions are paid in advance and may be used in person or online within one year. They are non-refundable, but in rare cases of severe illness the period of one year to use the sessions may be extended.



Please make payment by the time of your appointment or you may choose to pay for a block of sessions in advance. Please see above. Please let my assistant, Henry (assistant@comfortshieldspractice.com), know if you would like to pay with a credit card, and he will send a link to pay online via email.

Please use the following bank transfer details:

Comfort Shields Ltd

Sort Code: 401800

Account (HSBC): 21165461


*Please note, if payment is regularly made late, you will be asked to pay monthly in advance.


Private Insurance

We will be glad to bill your insurance provider directly. We accept:



Bupa Global (but not Bupa UK)

Cigna and Cigna Global

Freedom Health

GBG Insurance

WPA Insurance


* There is an additional insurance paperwork fee of £55-75. This includes reports, treatment plans, and invoicing.


  1. Contact your insurance company to determine whether your policy covers you for psychotherapy and how many sessions will be covered. If it does, ask them whether you need a referral from your psychiatrist/consultant or GP and request a claim number/authorisation code from them.
  2. Once your insurance company confirms coverage please provide me with your policy number and authorisation code/claim number with your date of birth and address which we will need in order to schedule your session.
  3. We will then liaise with your insurance company to obtain coverage for appointments.


Letters, Reports, and Paperwork

Billed at the normal hourly rates as above (except for standard insurance reports and paperwork, which are included in the insurance paperwork fee above)

Meetings (with educational bodies, social services, mental health teams, etc)

Billed at the normal hourly rates as above.


* There is a waiting list of approximately 9 months for concession rate spaces for those in special circumstances.


Cancellations and Breaks

Weekly therapy attendance is very important to progress. A slot is booked in advance for the meeting. We appreciate as much notice of cancellation as possible. Any missed sessions or cancellations will be charged at the full fee unless at least 48 hours notice is provided in advance, except in the case of illness or emergency. After two missed or cancelled sessions due to illness or emergency outside of the 48 hour policy, the fully session fee will be charged.

Block sessions are nonrefundable except in the case of emergency or serious illness, in which case a 30% admin fee will be charged in addition to the sessions already used being deducted from the refund.

We have a set of terms and conditions, which will be shared with you in an agreement when you commence therapy.

Note: Comfort does not give extensive advice or do therapy over text or by email. If you need to talk between appointments please feel free to schedule an additional appointment during the week. Please use text messaging and emailing only for scheduling or amending appointments.

Any Other Questions

Please contact Comfort for any additional questions you may have about counselling.

Comfort is a Bupa Global therapist London working with EMDR and trauma clients, Bupa Global counselling London, Cigna counselling London, Cigna Global Counselling London, Aviva Counselling London, Counsellor for Bupa Global clients London, Counsellor for WPA clients London