As a Licensed Psychologist working in New York City, I have worked with many clients in different places of work and life. I have the ability to see how many people are coping given the coronavirus pandemic. Among my clients I have noticed trends in their lifestyles, how they have been impacted, and exactly which parameters may account for those who are coping better or worse with the daily events.
The checklist that follows is a rough guideline to pause and check in with yourself. It is meant to serve as a guide to see how you are doing, reflect on the drastic changes that may have occurred in the past weeks, and allow yourself some compassion to see all that you have been through. Remind yourself that your resilience is not measured here, but the ability to withstand considerable change and adapt will likely be a good indicator for how you may emerge from this drastic event.
With recent changes in law allowing for more flexibility with telehealth, remember that if you find you are scoring in the severe range, it may be wise to reach out, to a friend, a priest/rabbi/iman, or a therapist. We are all alone in this — together.
Checklist: | (Select 0 if No, 1 if Yes) |
1. I am an extrovert. | 0 or 1 |
2. I personally know someone who has COVID-19. | 0 or 1 |
3. I personally know someone who died or is in critical condition from COVID-19. | 0 or 1 |
4. A major life event occurred since the coronavirus outbreak (someone I know died, I moved or was unable to move, became homeless, etc. ) | 0 or 1 |
5. I am pregnant. | 0 or 1 |
6. I have an immunocompromised or at-risk family member living with me. | 0 or 1 |
7. I do not have access to outdoor space (live in an apartment). | 0 or 1 |
8. I have children. | 0 or 1 |
9. My life was majorly changed as a result from working from home. | 0 or 1 |
10. I personally or my partner lost his/her job as a result from the coronavirus. | 0 or 1 |
11. I was working parent prior to this outbreak. | 0 or 1 |
12. My sleep has been disrupted in the last two weeks. | 0 or 1 |
13. My eating has been changed (eating more or less than usual in the last two weeks). | 0 or 1 |
14. I have been diagnosed with COVID-19. | 0 or 1 |
15. I am concerned I have it or frequently concerned about my health. | 0 or 1 |
Add up the number on the right to view your total.
Mild Impact 0-5
Functioning and life are largely uninterrupted. The global impact is still ever present but life in many ways still may resemble normalcy. Consider ways you may be able to lend a hand to someone in need.
Moderate impact 6-10
Life has been disrupted but to a manageable degree. Efforts are made to safeguard but there’s an expectation that after this passes, there may be a return to normal baseline of functioning. You need to make sure your taking care of your basic needs and set up infrastructure in your life to handle the changes that are occurring.
Severe Impact 11-15
There are current disruptions that are changing nearly every aspect of life. There are concerns about when or if this will ever be resolved. There is a great deal of stress that life as you currently know it may never be the same. Consider increasing self care activities and interests to give yourself added support.
The post Mental Health Checklist: How Am I Doing Amidst COVID-19? appeared first on Comfort Shields Therapy.